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15 Feb

Saving Money


Posted by: Cole Dowling


Does it feel like it’s too late to start investing? Don’t know where to start?

Good news, now is the best time to start! Investing money can be simple and the best part is you do not need a lot of money to start. A small contribution each month or each paycheck will compound into massive savings over time. Consistency over time will lead to life-changing results. As an added bonus, investing now while markets are down is an opportunity to earn higher returns on your investment when markets recover. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Keep track of your spending and separate your expenses into needs and wants.

2. Determine how much money is required to cover your needs every month.

3. Look at your expenses related to wants and decide which of those things you would be willing to live without.

4. By choosing items we can live without each month, we now have money that can be invested.

5. Set up the investments to be made automatically from your account and consider the new investment as a needed expense.

Over time, as you start seeing your investments grow, you may find yourself wanting to save even more and some of those expenses related to wants are no longer important to you. That’s amazing! Invest the extra money and see your investments grow even faster.