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15 Feb

2-2-2 Rule


Posted by: Cole Dowling

Do you want access to the best lenders, with the best mortgage options?

Of course you do! Everyone wants to get the best rate with the best lenders available. Your credit score plays a key role in determining which lenders will offer you a mortgage, but there’s more to it than just a good credit score.

A good credit score is considered 680+. Your credit score is based on how much debt you have in relation to your credit limit, how many credit cards or tradelines you have, and your history paying back credit.

The 2-2-2 rule is a used by lenders along with a good credit score. Lenders like to see 2 forms of revolving credit like credit cards, lines of credit, or car loans with a limit of at least $2,000 and a clean history of paying off the credit cards for 2 years. It takes more than just having the credit cards active. The key to the 2-2-2 rule is to use the credit cards regularly, keep the balance below 30% of the overall limit and the most important thing is to pay off the cards in full every month.